Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Toddler Time!

Here is Monkey showing off her mad skills with matching beads to the right pipe cleaner color.
Tiny man working on his green strand,
A few years ago I was introduced to a wonderful book- "Preschool Activities In a Bag". You can find it here on Christian book.com:
There is also a book *2* out now! These wonderful activities are designed to keep preschoolers busy with edifying and educational activities that are actually captivating! The best part is most of these projects only cost a couple dollars to assemble! If you get a few MOPs together ( moms of preschoolers) you can d a swap! I love sharing cool things I've learned on my journey of motherhood! Yesterday was a yucky, rainy, cold day and this was the perfect thing to occupy my restless toddlers for a while.

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