Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Photo Contest- I need Your HELP!!!

The local library is having an Amateur Photo Contest and I've decided to enter. There are no ostentatious prizes to be given away... just a ribbon at most. It's just for fun and all proceeds go to the library. I *just found out about this and only have a few *hard copies of select photos here at the house. So I need your help in choosing! These are the 4 I've narrowed it down too. I can only enter 2. So PLEASE vote!

#1- Butterfly

#2- Footprints

#3- The Kiss

#4- The Dip

A BIG thank you for ALL who vote.


Bethany said...

I am going to vote for footprints and the dip! I had a hard time between the dip and the kiss. Love ya

Aaron D. Priest said...

I gotta say #3 myself! Good luck with the contest!!!

JessHellum said...

I love the kiss picture and I would say the footprints one as the second choice.

hannahw said...

THE KISS... hands down- for sure.

Legume said...

The Kiss. Don't for get to get a release signed :).